New – Tachyonized Silica Disk 7.5cm
Tachyonized Silica Disks have many options on how to use them. Use them over your circuit breakers, on computers, refrigerators, televisions and laptops. Charge your water, herbs, supplements, fruits, vegetables and grains with Silica Disks, raising the potential. You can use them to get a better night’s sleep and/or to enhance their dreams.
For use with circuit breakers:
1. Open the door to the circuit breaker box.
2. Use any kind of tape that is appropriate to the surface and adhere the Tachyonized Silica Disks to the inside of the door with the side that says “Energy flows out this side” facing towards you. When you close the door, the energy side will be facing into the circuit breakers.
3. The Tachyonized Silica Disks should cover at least 80% of the circuit breakers to ensure your protection.
For use with computers:
It is recommended that you use a Tachyonized Silica Disk on your computer monitor even if you have Silica Disks on your breaker box. Simply tape the Silica Disk with any kind of tape that is appropriate to the surface on the back of the computer monitor with the side that says “Energy flows out this side” facing towards the back of the monitor.
For use with your refrigerator:
Place Tachyonized Silica Disks under the crisper drawers in your refrigerator so that the side that says “Energy flows out this side” is facing upward towards the top of the refrigerator. By placing them in the crisper drawers, usually located on the bottom of the refrigerator, you are energizing everything above the disks, raising the bioenergetics of all your fruits, vegetables and anything else in their 15 foot field.
For use with your drinking water:
Place a gallon of water on a Tachyonized Silica Disk and in about 5 hours the water will be charged to its full potential. This charged water is great for drinking and watering plants.
For use with a better night’s sleep:
Tape a Tachyonized Silica Disk with any kind of tape that is appropriate to the wall or the headboard with the side that says “Energy flows out this side” facing towards your head. It is best placed 6 inches above or below the level of the head so that the energy flows through your energy field rather than the physical body. There have been reports of complete dream recall and more restful sleep patterns while using the disks at night.
For use in the garden:
Put a Tachyonized Silica Disk in the soil at the beginning of a row with the side that says “Energy flows out this side” facing the length of the row. This energizes about 15 feet of soil, producing stronger, healthier plants, and increased yield of vegetables or flowers.
The Tachyonized Silica Disks are available in 3-inch (7.5cm) as singles and 4-inch (10cm) and 6-inch (15cm) as singles or in packs of 3.
The field is very focused, like a flashlight and extends approximately 15 feet (4.5m). Tachyons pass through all materials.